Saturday, March 1, 2014

Home Free

Artist:  Home Free
Origin:  Mankato, Minnesota, USA.
Genre:  Country, Vocal Country

Original line-up:

Austin Brown:  Vocals High Tenor
Rob Lundquist:  Vocals Tenor
Chris Rupp:  Vocals Baritone
Tim Foust:  Vocals Bass
Adam Rupp:  Vocals Percussionist, Beat Boxter

Home Free is an American Five Vocalists from Mankato, Minnesota, formed in 2000 by Austin Brown, Rob Lundquist, Chris Rupp, Tim Foust and Adam Rupp.  The Group won the Fourth Season of The Sing-Off on NBC in 2013 and their final competitive song "I Want Crazy", earning USD100,000 and a recording contract with Sony.

Title:   Crazy Life  (2014)
Genre:  Country, Vocal Country
Label:  Columbia Records
Rating:   *****

Crazy Life is the debut album by Home Free, was released on February 18, 2014.

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